2022-23 District 89 1st Virtual District Council Meeting
Please be invited to join 2022-2023 District 89 Virtual Council Meeting with details as below:
诚邀阁下参加 2022-23年度 89大区線上大区理事会会议,详情如下:
Date日期 : 25 September 2022 (Sun) 2022年 9月25日 (星期日)
Time时间: 20:00-21:30 晚上八時正至九時半
Meeting Tool会议工具: Zoom
(Zoom meeting link will be available upon registration and sent out before the meeting
Meeting documents:
1) Meeting Agenda: D89 2022-23 Virtual District Council Meeting Agenda 2022-09-25
2) Instruction for Zoom [International Edition of Zoom] [Chinese Edition of Zoom]
3) Robert's Rules of Order 罗伯特议事规则
4) Last Meeting Minutes: 2021-22 District Council Meeting Minutes 2022-05-14
5) Financial Reports/ Profit & Loss Statement for 2021-22 term
6) 2021-22 Audit Report: D89 2021-22 Audit Report
7) District Budget for 2022-23
* Please register to confirm your attendance on or before 23 Sep 2022 23:59 (UTC/GMT+8)