About District 89
The first Toastmasters Club in Hong Kong, China is Hong Kong Toastmasters Club (Club No. 1364), which was founded in 1954.
The first Toastmasters club in mainland China was started in Shanghai by 1999. The first Toastmasters District in Mainland China, District 85, was established in the year of 2006-2007, and it has been a huge help and support for the establishment and growth of Toastmasters clubs around China. In the 4 years between 2006 and 2010, the number of Toastmasters Clubs in Mainland China grew from about 20 to more than 100. Toastmasters Club in Hong Kong and Macau joined District 85 on July 1st, 2010. At the end of Jun 30th, 2012, there were about 220 Toastmasters clubs in District 85, and over 7,000 members. Under the rapid development of Toastmasters in China, a new district was ready to launch. The new district split from District 85 was District 89, established on July 1st, 2012. District 89 further split and established District 118 on July 1st, 2019.
The first Toastmasters Club in Macau, China is Macau TM Club (Club No. 615013), which was founded in 2003.
Now District 89 covers Hong Kong, Macau, Fujian, Hainan and part of Guangdong, China, with over 90 clubs. In District 89, we have Toastmasters Clubs established in corporates, universities and communities. Most of the clubs are meeting in English, while some are in Putonghua, Cantonese or Bilingual/Trilingual as well. Now we have more than 2,000 members in District 89.
Greeting from our District Director.