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2021-22 District 89 District Council

Annual Business Meeting

Dear Club Presidents, Club Vice Presidents Education and District Officers

Please Register to confirm your attendance at the upcoming District 89 Virtual District Council Annual Business Meeting:

Date : 14 May 2021 (Sat)

Time : 19:30 to 21:30 GMT/UTC+8

Platform : Zoom

Detailed joining instructions will be sent to you upon registration.  Other fellow toastmasters of District 89 are all most welcome to join as in-attendance audience.

Meeting documents:

1) Meeting Agenda: D89 2021-22 Virtual District Council Annual Business Meeting Agenda 2022-05-14

2) Instruction for Zoom [International Edition of Zoom] [Chinese Edition of Zoom]

3) Robert's Rules of Order 罗伯特议事规则

4) Last Meeting Minutes: 2021-22 1st District Council Meeting Minutes 2021-09-26

5) 2021-22 Mid-Year Audit Report: D89 2021-22 Mid-Year Audit Report

6) 2021-22 Mid-Year Profit & Loss Statement: D89 2021-22 P&L and Available Funds Report

7) 2022-23 Club Alignment: D89 Proposed 2022-23 District Alignment Proposal

8) Election for District Officers 2022-23: List of nominated candidates

* Please register to confirm your attendance on or before 12 May 2022 23:59 (UTC/GMT+8)

District 89 Council Annual Business Meeting 2021-22 Registration

Note: If you are holding more than one role (District Officer, Club President, Club VP Education), please specify your roles and register once only.

Thanks for registering to confirm your attendance!

Sorry, registration was open on or before 12 May 2022 23:59 (UTC/GMT+8). This form no longer accepts submissions.

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