🗓 Date: Wed. 03 June 2021
⏰ Time: 18.00 - 20:00 Hong Kong GMT +8.00
💻 Registration Link (Free Admission for Virtual): https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIqd-CgqT0pGtdxM_OXQ70qTzL-bZeYgGIV
Location: Tencent WeStart (Hong Kong) 6/F, KOHO, 75 Hung To Rd, Kwun Tong
In Person Registration (Limited Seats): https://tinyurl.com/FDrgf
Ever had an idea and not know where to get feedback on your idea?
Have a pitch to a venture capitalist or at a business plan competition coming up and want to refine your pitch?
Fret no more! Join us on 3 June and pitch your idea in front of a group of established business owners and business professionals ready to provide critical feedback to you in a supportive environment.

Join us in person at https://goo.gl/maps/iMAaA972zUWFcHn99 or online on Zoom
TM Bharat Nangia ADK1D89 Club Sponsor & Charter Member
WhatsApp / WeChat: +852 52310087